
“I hate writing, but I love having written.” — Former Coworker

The Sweetest Flower's cover has a bright orange floral pattern with a delicate font for the title.
The Sweetest Flower

"The Sweetest Flower" is a collection of writings by Augustus Murry Price rediscovered by his great-grandson, Brandon W. Mosley, during geological research. Hidden for decades, Price's reflections explore themes such as time, spirituality, and moral teachings, using vivid metaphors like the ticking of a watch to emphasize life's fleeting nature and the importance of virtue.

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A pile of red Japanese daruma dolls.
Medium | The Design Daruma

A collection of writings containing how-tos, thought leadership, and streams of consciousness about how I navigated my career.

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The Guide's rainbow pattern comes together like slices of a pie with hints of men's bodies between the shapes.
The Guide: Gay Bodies & Expressions

"The Guide" is a softcover tell-all exploring how GBTQ+ men define their body types and modes of self-expression. From bears to wolves, gaymers to twinks, "The Guide" is a journey of self-discovery and a captivating conversation piece that'll delight and inspire your friends and family.

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A collection of photographs and documents from Brandon's genealogical research.
The Tree That Shades Me

A collection of short biographies chronicling the lives of Brandon's maternal ancestors, who rose from the trials of slavery and Jim Crow to become esteemed business entrepreneurs. "The Tree That Shades Me" unveils hidden family secrets and values passed down through generations by examining records and treasured family documents.

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