
“I hate writing, but I love having written.” — Former Coworker

A pile of red Japanese daruma dolls.
Medium | The Design Daruma

A collection of writings containing how-tos, thought leadership, and streams of consciousness about how I navigated my career.

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The Guide's rainbow pattern comes together like slices of a pie with hints of men's bodies between the shapes.
The Guide: Gay Bodies & Expressions

A softcover tell-all about how GBTQ+ men classify their body types and self-expression. From Bears to Wolves and Gaymers to Rough Traders, The Guide is the perfect coffee table book, self-discovery piece, and conversation starter your friends will love.

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A collection of photographs and documents from Brandon's genealogical research.
The Tree That Shades Me

A collection of short biographies of Brandon’s maternal ancestors who came out of slavery and the Jim Crow era to become successful business entrepreneurs. Census records, newspapers, and other keepsakes reveal family secrets and long-standing family values.

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