GE Capital Bank

GE Capital Bank provided consumers with retail banking and credit services, such as private loans, bank cards, and savings accounts until 2016, when Goldman Sachs purchased GE Capital Bank.

Role UI Designer · Graphic Designer

Partners Client · UX Writer · Information Architect · Front-end Engineering

Deliverables High-fidelity · Print · Illustration

Tools Illustrator · Photoshop · InDesign

Timeframe 2 months

Agency Fusebox

The Problem

Customers struggling after 2008’s economic crash needed a way to regain financial footing and save for the future. Most banks did not offer suitable savings products, particularly with high interest rates. To meet this need, GE Capital established an online bank offering high-interest online savings accounts and certificates of deposit up to two times the national average with a low barrier to entry.

"How do we enter a competitive financial market with our new line of business?"


  • Establish a digital strategy for a greenfield customer service platform.
  • Adhere to a parallel brand identity redesign while creating a digital design system.
  • Meet WCAG AA 2.0 accessibility conformance.
Success Measurements
  • Increase online account openings.
  • Increase annual revenue from deposits.
  • Increase organic website traffic.



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UX Design

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Visual Design

Meeting accessibility conformance warranted a design system of mobile-friendly components, larger-than-normal typography, and a minimalist design with plenty of white space to reduce clutter. Guiding users through pages and task flow was a strategic intention to allow for an intuitive but pleasing experience.

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  • The website was an official honoree at the 18th Annual Webby Awards in 2014.
  • I successfully rolled the new brand identity out across both print and digital marketing communications.
  • The successful bank was sold to Goldman Sachs in 2016 after GE dismantled its financial services business.